Thursday, December 3, 2015

More French Canadian Food

More French Canadian Food

As I explained in my post about Cretons, my son recently brought me back some of my favorite French Canadian treats. Another one that he brought me back was Sucre a Crème. (we never called it sucre a la creme). I was hoping for some from the farmers market but he didn’t have time to go there so he bought me some from the local candy maker Laura Secord.
This is something that also brings back childhood memories. My Aunt Madeleine always had a container of this treat in her fridge and even though I didn't know what it was called in those days, I knew I loved it.

Sucre a crème translates as sugar with cream and that is pretty much what it is. 2 cups of brown sugar and 1 cup of heavy cream cooked until it gets to the soft ball stage and then placed in a pan and chilled. 

Once it is hard it is cut into small squares and stored in the fridge. Basically it is brown sugar fudge and it is simple and very delicious.

The Laura Secord version is not bad but it doesn't compare to what my aunt used to make, but since my aunt is no longer with us, it is the best I can do until I hit the farmers market in June.

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