Monday, November 7, 2016

Setting up the perfect Thanksgiving buffet

Thanksgiving is a time to gather together to give thanks for the bounty of the harvest and for all the things and people who are important in your life. When gathering together in a larger group, it is not always easy to dine family-style. The entire group may not fit at one table. 

That requires that dishes either be moved between the tables or that you have a lot of serving dishes. One way to get around this is by serving the Thanksgiving meal buffet style.
Once you have decided to go with the buffet-style of dining, you need to decide how you will do this. There are several options. You can set the food up in stations in the kitchen or you can set up several folding tables in another room. 

Only you know what will work best in your home. It is all about flow. You want your guests to be able to grab their plate and form a line and fill up on all the delicious food being offered. You want the line of guests to move smoothly and quickly so that everyone gets back to the table in time to say grace together if that is your family tradition or so that everyone is eating at the same time. If your kitchen has an island and plenty of counter space, it will work well. If it is small with only one way in, try to set up folding tables in another room.

Start by setting the table or tables. Guests can pick up their plate from their spot at the table and then head to the buffet. Some people prefer to pile the dishes and silverware at the buffet but by setting the table first, the silverware and napkin are already in place and don’t have to be carried while trying to place food on the plate. Rolls and butter, as well as salt and pepper, can also be placed on the table.

To make a buffet work well, you need to be able to keep the food warm while everyone is taking their servings. Invest in several hot trays, chafing dishes or a buffet server. These are invaluable when it comes to having a successful buffet meal. It requires some initial expenditure but it will allow you to have a buffet meal anytime you want.

The buffet needs to have a carving station where the star of the show, the turkey is presented. Another big decision you need to make is will the bird be carved to order or do you want to carve ahead of time and serve heaping platters of the slices. Both ways can and will work, it is just a matter of personal preference. The dressing or stuffing and mashed potatoes can come next followed by vegetables and casseroles. End with the salad and the gravy.

How to handle drinks is also something that needs to be thought about ahead of time. If the drink of choice is water for most people, a couple of pitchers can be placed on the table and passed around. If you prefer, you can use ice and place the water in the glasses before everyone goes up to the buffet. A drink pitcher is also helpful so that drinks can be served easily.

Dessert doesn’t need to be on the initial buffet. When everyone has had their fill, the leftovers can be packed away and the desserts and coffee and tea placed on the buffet table. If you have the room, the desserts can have their own table from the beginning. Things such as cream pies and whipped cream will need to remain under refrigeration.

Decorating the buffet table is also an important part of the celebration. You can choose candles, cornucopias, pumpkins, gourds or other seasonal decorations. Just make sure that there is still plenty of room for all the dishes that you want to serve.

Deciding to serve a Thanksgiving buffet is an option that works for many families. If you have never done it, this might just be the year to give it a try.

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