Monday, June 20, 2016

Mastering the smoothie

Those who know me know that I am trying to do good things for myself healthwise. I have been exercising and eating healthier. I decided it was time that I tried to eat more fruits and vegetables. Since Al is not likely to eat healthy I have to try to sneak the good stuff into him. A smoothie seems like the obvious choice. 

I got an immersion blender for Christmas from my grandson Alex and I have been dying to try it. Here was my chance. 

I cut a banana into pieces, added a handful of blueberries, a teaspoon of local honey and a half a cup of low fat plain yogurt. I blended it together and then tried it. I never knew how overwhelming the flavor of banana is, it is definitely what you taste in this version. 

I did find out that an immersion blended is not really very good at chopping ice, so I had to put cubes in.

As the week went on I began experimenting with other things. By Saturday I have come up with what I think may be the version I like best. 

I cup up 5 strawberries, put in a teaspoon of honey, half cup of yogurt, a handful of baby spinach and about a 1/4 cup of low fat milk. This was really very tasty and gives me both veggies and fruit, I have some coconut yogurt which I haven't tried yet but I am looking forward to seeing how it changes the taste. 

So if you haven't tried a smoothie, what are you waiting for? It is delicious and an easy way to start you day off with fruits and vegetables and that has to be a good thing. Just in case you are wondering, you don't taste the spinach at all. 

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